Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 105-112 Type scientific article
UDC 297.17(470.5) BBK 86.38-576.7
Authors Khabibulina Zilya R.
Summary The article studies the religious pilgrimage phenomenon from anthropology positions. Taking Islam an example the author described the conditions for crossing borders by modern pilgrims. A Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca is prescribed by the Koran, and is the main and unforgettable journey for a Muslim. Despite the mandatory nature of Hajj as the fifth pillar of Islam the Muslims see it as a journey in both profane and sacral space. For a majority of Muslims of the world it is a kind of a long way journey associated with various difficulties; from a theological point of view it is a number of ceremonies to be performed in certain holy places. Our focus was the South Ural Muslims pilgrimage, its place and role in the life of the Muslim population of the region. On the basis of field study materials received in the process of interviewing the pilgrims, representatives of the Hajj mission in Russia, the clergy and the faithful, the motives, behavior patters of modern pilgrims and the culturally important results of the Hajj were analyzed. Percentage of Islamic peoples in the South Ural population is quite significant; most of them are the indigenous population of the territory. A specific feature of the Southern Ural regions their polyconfessionality with the domination of Russian Orthodox Christianity and Islam made a significant contribution to the development of pilgrimage tradition of the local Muslims. For the Muslims of the Ural a desire to travel to the holy places of Islam was characteristic in all historic periods together with the understanding of a mandatory nature of Hajj as a fast prescription.
Keywords Anthropology, pilgrimage, travel, Islam, Hajj, Mecca, Medina, Urals, Hejaz

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