Issue 2 (51)

Year 2016 Number 2(51)
Pages 143-151 Type scientific article
UDC 82-92(470.5) BBK 83.3(235.55)
Authors Litovskaya Maria A.
Xiaolong Shi
Summary The authors collected and systematized literary texts (poems, essays, short stories) published in the Middle Urals periodicals in the 1920–1930s (Zhivaya Teatralizovannaya gazeta, Krestjanskaya Gazeta, Na Smenu!, Rost, Tovarishch Terenty, Uralsky Rabochy, Shturm) main personages in which were the Chinese. The connection of these texts with the information (news) items published in the same periodicals, as well as with the actual presence of the Chinese in the Urals and the Chinese policy was analyzed. The author also studied changes in the description of the Chinese in the Ural periodicals from the beginning of the 1920s to the mid 1930s. Unlike the previous stage, when everything Chinese was associated with something exotic, primarily with the chinoiserie style and the original “Oriental” philosophy, in the 1920–1930s the images of the Chinese in newspapers, without losing their ethnic specifics, were becoming part of propagandistic discourse, used as examples confirming the legitimacy and correctness of the Soviet state policy intentions. Based on literary criticism analysis it was demonstrated that the “ideological” and the “everyday life” images of the Chinese, who represented the actual, even though small, diaspora in the Ural, were quite different in the Soviet periodicals (though not always consciously), which, in principle, was in line with the gap between the ideal image of the USSR as the inspirer of the global revolutionary movement, protector of the working class, stronghold of internationalism, and the “kitchen” nationalism of the population.
Keywords Soviet journalism of the 1920-1930s years, newspaper literature, political discourse, image of China

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