Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 6-13 Type scientific article
UDC 94(450)“14” BBK 63.3(4Ита)4
Authors Vozchikov Dmitriy V.
Summary The article deals with the political aspect of the Venetian humanistic discourse of the 15th century with reference to the works of Lauro Quirini (c. 1420–1475/1479). An outstanding humanist Quirini was one of the architects of the Venetian myth — a doctrine of exclusivity and superiority of la Serenissima's political institutes. He lived in the period of serious foreign policy challenges faced by the Venetian Republic — the incursions on Terraferma in Italy and expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the East. Relying on a wide range of Quirini's works, including a series of letters to his fellow humanists, a dialogue “On the Peace of Italy”, a polemical treatise “On True Nobility. Against Poggio the Florentine” and other works the author studied this intellectual's reflections on the challenges of the time. The study also involved an analysis of the portrait of the Byzantine Empire presented in Quirini's writing — both “intravital” and “postmortem”, i. e. before and after 1453. Quirini attempted to depict the contemporary social and political structure of Venice as the primordial order, and defended his idea of nobility by birth versus the ideas of 'acquired nobility' advocated by Poggio Bracciolini. Quirini traced the genealogy of Venetian patrician families, to one of which he himself belonged, to the Roman patricians, and the Venetian civil institutions were, according to him, based on the Roman liberties' legacy. In general Lauro Quirini believed the contemporary to him Venetian Republic to be a new Rome — the heir of both the Roman classic culture and the Roman civil valor, which for Venice lacking its own ancient history played a compensatory role.
Keywords Lauro Quirini, Venetian republic, humanism, Venetian Romania, historical thought of the Middle Ages

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