Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 14-22 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.23-25) BBK 63.3(2-2СПб)
Authors Lapin Vladimir V.
Summary The article presents a study of imperial symbols in St. Petersburg on the basis of two cases conventionally labeled as the “caserne” and the “graveyard”. The author proceeded from the assumption of importance of such imperial symbols as military power, large territory and multi-ethnic population. In the first case the study focused on the way the characteristic features of the military capital (huge military garrison, urban space organization with the interests of this garrison in mind, various elements of military subculture, toponymy, architecture, etc.) were used as constant reminder to both the Russians and the foreigners of the strength of the Romanov's power. Special emphasis was made on the combination and interdependence of symbols of invincibility of the Russian army and the idea of monarchy, as well as the ranking of personages in the Russian military pantheon. In addition the guards corps was represented as a platform for demonstration of the geographic expanse of the state — an important component of glory and power. The Empire, the borders of which expanded to all sides of geography in the 18th–19th centuries paid a particular attention to its military successes in the West, which was demonstrated in various symbolic platforms of St. Petersburg. The second case focused on the graveyards of the capital as a venue for demonstrating the imperial nature of the city on the Neva. Graveyards in the same way as other religious buildings of the Russian capital rather emphatically emphasized the ethnic and confessional diversity of the Tsar's subjects and the huge territory of the state.
Keywords St. Petersburg, empire, symbolics, guard, cemetery

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