Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 33-42 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470/5) BBK 63.3(235.55)
Authors Leybovich Oleg L.
Summary The subject of the article is a specific phenomenon of modern urban culture, i.e. the idealized memory of socialist industrial enterprises. The factory-related narrative of urban population is interpreted in the context of background practices as a value-oriented activity (M. Weber) with an underlying idealization of the Soviet industrialism. An idealized image of a factory generated by the third generation urban communities was reproduced in other age cohorts; today it may be viewed as the topos of the Russian urban culture. In Western societies the nostalgic memories of a factory life were concentrated in the former industrial workers' communities, which failed to adjust to the new knowledge economy. Idealization of a Soviet factory was perceived as a mental response to de-industrialization of the Russian economy experiencing a transition from the industrial to the service economy. Archaization of the social, including the occupational, life resulted in the perception of a Soviet enterprise by the educated groups of the population as a model of rationality, progressive ideas, and democracy. Idealization of a Soviet factory was a derivative of several cultural trends of various origin (disappointment with the reforms and fear of the future, which entailed mythologization of the past, primarily the Soviet past; critical attitude towards the new crude forms of economic relations, primitive consumerism, archaic command practices implemented in business units; a search for a social foothold in this unintelligible, escaping clear definitions environment). Idealization of a Soviet factory was a manifestation of latent social tensions in urban communities.
Keywords Soviet plant, collective memory, city culture, background practicians, deindustrialization, values

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