Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 52-61 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.6)”18/19” BBK 63.3(235.7)531
Authors Prasolov Dmitry N.
Summary Using the city of Nalchik as a case study the author studied the specifics of implementation of urban social, economic and cultural strategies by the representatives of the Kabarda society in the process of Northern Caucasus integration into the administrative-political and socio-cultural system of the Russian Empire. The Kabarda military and political conquest started in the second half of the 18th century. Certain role in the process was played by the Russian fortresses Mozdok and Ekaterinograd in the Kabarda territory which later grew into towns, however never became the administrative centers of the area. Nalchik, which was built as a fortress in 1818 was complemented in 1838 by a military town, and in 1862 received a ‘sloboda’ status, however even after becoming the center of the Kabarda (beginning from 1882 — Nalchik) district and in fact fulfilling the city functions it did not officially receive the status of a city until 1917. The article describes the forms of administrative-judicial, commercial and economic, as well as cultural and educational strategies implementation in Nalchik, indicating their limited and situational nature, and studies the factors which prevented retaining the Kabarda population within the socio-cultural space of the district center. The closeness of the sloboda’s social organization, insufficient adaptation of its settlement structure to the religious needs of the local people, incompatibility of environmental practices with its natural landscape use, and the remaining language barrier restricted the opportunities for ethno-cultural interactions. Analysis of the prevailing trends of assimilation by the Kabarda society and the Nalchik sloboda population of various forms of urban culture demonstrated that their mismatch, and in some instances, inconsistency, resulting from the strength of the social and cultural borderlines, stood in the way of urbanization processes in the Nalchik district.
Keywords government

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