Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 79-88 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”1905” BBK 63.3(235.55)531
Authors Irvin Dakota
Summary This paper focuses on the reaction of the Ekaterinburg city government to a violent pogrom that erupted on October 19, 1905 (Old Style) in response to Tsar Nicholas II’s October Manifesto. Analyzing archival sources as well as contemporary newspapers, the paper demonstrates that local officials in the city government saw the violence as a challenge to the established urban order and stability, and implemented measures to curb further violence and ensure safety. These measures were inherently liberal in their approach, and can be seen as a continuation of policies enacted by administrators and professionals in late Imperial Russia. This study builds on the work of Western historians Laura Engelstein and Joseph Bradley, who studied similar processes in their monographs on St. Petersburg and Moscow, but focuses on the Revolution of 1905 and responses to local unrest. 1905 is usually presented as a major juncture in Russian social and political history, but evidence from Ekaterinburg shows that the city government still viewed events through a late nineteenth century liberal and professional lens, treating the pogrom as a municipal and not revolutionary challenge.
Keywords Ekaterinburg, revolution of 1905, October manifesto, urban, urban history, city government, police, orthodox church

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