Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 100-111 Type scientific article
UDC 721 “1929/1930” BBK 63.3(2)614+85.118
Authors Meerovich Mark G.
Summary The article explains reasons behind the start, active expansion and sudden termination by a Resolution of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (the Bolsheviks) of a discussion on the socialist city and the socialist resettlement. It was demonstrated that the architects’ the urbanists and the disurbanists — proposals were very close with regard to the basic concepts of socialist resettlement doctrine, the only difference was the specific model selection. Professional ideas of disurbanization from the point of view of city planners, and the “even distribution of the population across the territory of the country” from the positions of the authorities’ organizational and management strategy proved to be entirely different phenomena, same as the urbanists’ appeals to “create groups for communization of everyday needs servicing” on the one hand, and the strategic orientation of the authorities on the formation of “labor-household” collectives in order to create mutual incentives among its members for a responsible performance at their work places, on the other. The ideas of the architects and the authorities differed dramatically they attributed different meaning to the same words. A conclusion was made that the public discussion on socialist resettlement was terminated because it proved to be destructive with regard to the already made by the Communist Party and the State decisions, and as such detrimental for the implementation of the resettlement and architectural and city-planning policy which at that time was already consistently and steadily implemented in the context of the defense industry building i.e. the Soviet industrialization program. There was already nothing to discuss, it was time to fulfill the instructions, orders, and resolutions given by the central authorities.
Keywords Socialist city, socialist resettlement, urbanists, disurbanist, industrialization, urban policy

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