Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 130-138 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”18” BBK 63.3(235.55)531+63.3(4Фра)
Authors Danilova Olga S.
Summary In the last quarter of the 19th century many French researchers maintained close contacts with the Russian colleagues owing to their participation in research missions. The so-called ‘field-erudites’ acted as the middlemen at the crossroads of various trends and ideas, as well as contributed to the transfer of knowledge and research practices between the two countries. A particularly outstanding figure among these traveling researchers was baron Joseph De Baye (1853–1931). This archaeologist, ethnographer, essay writer, collector and science communicator had a very wide scope of interest and spend in total almost 30 years of his life in Russia. De Baye visited the Urals and Western Siberia three times — in 1895, 1896 and 1897. He played an important role in the development of the French-Russian, specifically the French-Ural, cultural and academic relations without ever holding any university or other official position. This work is focusing on the study of De Baye’s biography in connection with the pool of archive sources and his collections. Unfortunately so far no fundamental or comprehensive study of the huge legacy of this forgotten researcher including archaeological papers, travel notes, correspondence, diaries, immensely rich photo archive, collections of archaeological, ethnographic and documentary materials has been undertaken. The article based on our work in the Paris Institute for Advance Studies is one of the first attempts to start publishing in Russia new archive materials from several collections in France, including some private ones, and hence unavailable for the Ural’s researchers.
Keywords Joseph de Baye, collecting, archaeology, archival sources, Ural Society of Naturalists, Russian-French cultural and scientific contacts, Ekaterinburg, Ural, France, Russia

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