Issue 3 (52)

Year 2016 Number 3(52)
Pages 139-146 Type scientific article
UDC 930(470.5)”17/19” BBK 63.1(235.55)5+63.1(4Ôðà)
Authors Borshch Elena V.
Summary The article deals with the work of a French illustrator and engraver Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune (Junior) (1741–1814), who visited Russia and participated in illustrating a book about Siberia travels and a book on Russian history. Our sources were the artist’s works found in book collections in Ekaterinburg: including prints from French books of the 18th — beginning of the 19th centuries from the collections of the Zonal Research Library of the Yeltsin Ural Federal University, the Sverdlovsk Regional Belinsky Universal Research Library, and the Sverdlovsk Regional History Museum. The aim of the study was the identification, description, and expert review of the artist’s works. The article provides a brief historiography, some facts from the life and work of the artist, a search for prints, identification of the engravers’ names, classification and description of the prints. The artist’s works have been studied from the point of view of their topics, genre, composition, and style. Using the illustrations from the Ekaterinburg book collections as a case study the author identified the general and the unique features of Jean-Michel Moreau’s style. The article described the results of expert examination of the prints; listed the most interesting works and the most representative collections. Owing to the ‘proprietary’ aspect of the collections’ study the article is in fact the first publication of the sources on the history of French art in books and prints of the 18th– 19th century from Ekaterinburg.
Keywords Jean-Michel Moro Jr., book engraving, book illustration, French book art of the 18th century

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