Issue 4 (53)

Year 2016 Number 4 (53)
Pages 99-110 Type scientific article
UDC 903.02(470.5)"637" BBK 63.442.6235.55)
Authors Dubovtseva Ekaterina N.
Kiseleva Darya V.
Panteleeva Sofya E.
Summary The article presents the results of technological analysis of the Sintashta pottery from the collection of Kamenny Ambar fortified settlement (South Urals, Bronze Age). Main attention was paid to the properties of clay, tempering materials, molding techniques and surface treatment. In addition, the element composition of all ceramic samples was studied using X-ray fluorescence analysis method for verification, correction and visualization of macroscopic analysis results. The obtained results led to a conclusion that the technological characteristics of the Sintashta pottery were extremely varied. Different kinds of clay and recipes of paste, various molding elements and methods of surface treatment were used irrespective of the specific types of vessels. Nor could we trace any regularity in the observed different technological attributes. Overall, three traditions of paste preparation can be identified. The addition of talcum temper to the clay was the dominating tradition. Simple recipes with talcum temper were the most numerous. In addition, this temper was the component part of most of the complex recipes. Two other traditions (addition of grog and crushed shells to the clay) were well represented in the studied assemblage, but they were registered only as a component part of complex recipes. Thus, the materials of Kamenny Ambar settlement demonstrated the existence of a complex cultural mix, which developed in the South Urals towards the end of the third millennium BC. As a result of the study the heterogeneous structure of the Sintashta cultural tradition was confirmed, at the same time significant interpenetration of its components was registered at various stages of pottery production process.
Keywords South Urals, Bronze Age, Sintashta culture, pottery, technological analysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis

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