Issue 4 (53)

Year 2016 Number 4 (53)
Pages 120-126 Type scientific article
UDC 39(470.2) BBK 63.521(=661)
Authors Pulkin Maxim V.
Summary The article deals with the administrative aspects of the national policy in relation to Karelian in late XIX — early XX century. A specific feature of the national policy on the northern outskirts of the empire was a significant effect of the Finnish preacher who viewed Olonets province as part of their own national projects. It was revealed that the consistent government policy in the language question was not possible. On the one hand, the practical management needs of highly demanding use in office work and daily administrative practices of the language, which is understood a large part of the population. The situation is complicated by the active propaganda campaign aimed at the preservation of language of the indigenous population. The popular idea of the protection of ethnic identity took on arms barely emerging political parties, finding support among likely voters. On the other hand, the requirements relating to the modernization of public life, it is strongly demanded unification on the basis of the Russian language. By the early ХХ century local authorities have developed an extremely wide range of activities. These included measures of administrative and police character — an increase in the number of law enforcement officers. An important role was played by the education system and the Church. Assumed the acceleration of the processes of cultural assimilation. For its ideological support to create works that emphasized a clear predominance of the Russian element in the Karelian culture. Projects aimed at strengthening the role of the Russian language, did not succeed. In the early twentieth century. displacement of indigenous languages of daily use was seen as a distant prospect.
Keywords Karelia, national policies, Russification, education, administration, local authorities

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