Issue 4 (53)

Year 2016 Number 4 (53)
Pages 136-141 Type scientific article
UDC 39 (571.1) BBK 63.5 (2)
Authors Rud’ Alexey А.
Summary The paper is based on results of the author’s field studies of 2002–2016. The study territory covered the areas of traditional residence of the eastern Khanty in the Middle Ob region – the basins of the rivers Agan, Tomjegan, Pim, Lyamin, Big and Small Yugan, and Demjyanka. Modern trends are characterized by coexistence of both revival and termination of the Khanty ritual sites functioning processes. The practice of relocation of the sacred places ritual sites has become quite common, as well as the relocation of religious structures and gods’ images from the traditional worship places. The factors influencing the eastern Khanty’s religious sites functioning over the past 50 years have been the economic development of the Middle Ob region’s territory, as well as the changes in demography, social and political changes, technological and information revolutions, the activism of the neo-protestant missionaries. The most vivid evidences of successful adaptation of the traditional culture to new conditions were the localization of master gods worship places in the hunting and fishing territories in the form of the ritual sites, the continuation of the ritual sites functioning after the fires, resumed practice of the eastern Khanty travel to the main Ugrian sacred places.
Keywords Eastern Khants, sacred places, transformation of traditional religion, adaptation of traditional culture, cult objects, Middle Ob

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