Issue 1 (34)

Year 2012 Number 1(34)
Pages 5-13 Type scientific article
Authors Lukashevich Andrei M.
Summary The article describes the planning and the preparation of the joint Russo-Prussian offensive operation in September-November, 1811. Significant attention is paid to the elaboration of conditions for the participation of Russia in the operation, as set forth in the text of the Russo-Prussian military convention, in the process of negotiations with G. J. D. von Scharnhorst in St. Petersburg. The author analyzed the preparation of Russia for the campaign: organization of military intelligence in the near-border provinces, concentration and redeployment of troops, operational plans. The author came to a conclusion that Russia was prepared to start military action immediately subject to the ratification of the military convention and the actual creation of the coalition. However the indecisiveness of King Frederick William III of Prussia did not allow the allies to make a preventive strike
Keywords Russia, Prussia, operational planning, military convention, the Principality (Duchy) Warsaw, intelligence, strategic deployment of troops

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