Issue 1 (34)

Year 2012 Number 1(34)
Pages 64-70 Type scientific article
Authors Postnikova Alena A.
Summary The paper describes the perception of the 1812 events on the river Berezina by the French participants, historians, authors; it also touches upon the problem of the effect of internal political situation in France and the international relations on the meaning of Berezina in the minds of the French. The study was based on the analysis of private correspondence of the Great Army soldiers, the official documents of 1812, and the works of the French authors. Analysis of the evolution of historical memory of the French people about the Berezina events led the author to the conclusion that over two centuries the firm belief of the French in their absolute victory in those battles stayed unchanged.
Keywords Grand Army, the Russian campaign of 1812, the historical memory, Berezina, letters, official correspondence, the battle, the crossing

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