Issue 2 (35)

Year 2012 Number 2(35)
Pages 4-14 Type scientific article
UDC 39 BBK 63.58
Authors Golovnev Andrei V.
Summary Research agenda of the anthropology of movement is presented as a route-montage (roadmap) comprising the following methodological and technological aspects. (1) Phenomenology linking knowledge of different sciences on the nature of movement including the phenomena of symmetry/asymmetry, dynamics/statics, sustainability/changeability. (2) Motion-drivers of activity and conveyance of signals in bio-, psycho-, and socio-dimensions. (3) Motivationism focusing on the key role of motives in human motion. (4) Visualization as a method of research and presentation of the matrix and scenarios of movement. (5) Navigation providing applied function of the anthropology of movement in algorithm motive–decision–action.
Keywords anthropology, movement, roadmap, methodology, technology, dynamics, statics, motive, visualization

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