Issue 2 (35)

Year 2012 Number 2(35)
Pages 58-68 Type scientific article
UDC 316.3 BBK 63.58+ 60.5
Authors Lacaze Gaelle
Summary This article analyses the transformations of Ereen hot, a Chinese city, from 2007 to 2010. Located in a Mongolian-Chinese trans-border place, along the trans-Mongolian railway, this city is a good illustration of the local government’s main political goals with regard to the trans-border free trade zone and to the city’s development. Ereen hot acts as a big market-city while, the other city of the Chinese-Mongolian Special economical zone, Zamyn üüd in Mongolia remains a transit place for people and goods. This paper then examines how the appropriation of the city by Mongolian traders and migrants underlines differential postures in terms of gender, social status and economical power in front of the administrative organisation. It sheds light on a new kind of activities developed by Mongols, trans-border trade. This article ends with an analysis the daily life in Ereen of some Mongolian in-between people, like prostitutes. The type of sex work found in the city of Ereen reveals the contemporary strategies of some Mongolian women. It illustrates the conflicting dynamics, in terms of gender, that surround the issues of incarnated body, full of individual’s desires and libido, sexuality and fertility.

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