Issue 2 (35)

Year 2012 Number 2(35)
Pages 108-117 Type scientific article
UDC 39 BBK 63.58
Authors Stepanoff Sharles
Summary The distinguishing feature of the shamanic rituals is the close coordination of the real and the virtual space. The traditional concepts, such as “ecstasy” or “trance” fail to provide an accurate description of the complex and precise techniques with which the shaman lets the audience follow the direction and the stages of his or her “journey” in the virtual space. In this article, we discuss some linguistic aspects and body language techniques used by Yakut shamans of the pre-Soviet period. Together with the plastic art complexes left outside the scope of this article, these techniques constitute a distinct cognitive technology, aimed at creating a specific spatial relationship maintained by a shaman during the ritual.
Keywords shamanism, spatial cognition, ceremonial dress, the Yakuts

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