Issue 2 (35)

Year 2012 Number 2(35)
Pages 127-130 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5) BBK 63.3(235.55)
Authors Korepanov Nikolay S.
Summary The monument to Peter I erected under the order of Catherine II in St. Petersburg (the “Copper Rider”) is one of the most significant symbols of Russia. The article is the first attempt of studying the history of fulfillment of the order for copper for the monument by the Ural’s works. The author believes that the use for fulfillment of the order of the mint department resulted in straining the coinage system of the 1760s and, possibly, served as one of the reasons for the introduction of paper money in Russia.
Keywords monument to Peter I, the production of copper, Ekaterinburg factory, Permianplants, monetary system, XVIII century

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