Issue 3 (36)

Year 2012 Number 3(36)
Pages 96-102 Type scientific article
Authors Pushkareva Natalia L.
Malashkin Anatoly V.
Summary The article gives an overview of the history of evolution of the new research school — the feminine and the gender studies in the Russian historical research — based on the analysis of the recently created unifi edinformation-retrieval resource — the database “Feminine and gender history of Russia, 1800–2010”. The authors focused their attention on the lack of this kind of summary catalogues and literature reference lists, diffi culties of collection and summarizing of information, as well as on the methods for ensuring completeness of collected information in creating the tags and keywords. At the same time the article invites the readers to join the community of researchers studying the past through the prism of social and cultural gender manifestations, and tells about the role of the “Russian association of feminine history students” in the evolution of the “new social history” — anthropocentric, focusing attention on history of both independent individuals and the large social groups.
Keywords women’s history, gender history, information technology in history, database, bibliography

Пушкарева Н. Л. Русская женщина: история и современность. Материалы к библиографии. М., 2002.
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Women and gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia: a comprehensive bibliography. Armonk; N.-Y., 2007. 2 v. Vol. 1: Southeastern and East Central Europe / ed. by I. Livezeanu with J. P. Farris); Vol. 2: Russia, the Non-Russian Peoples of the Russian Federation, and the Successor States of the Soviet Union / ed. by M. Zirin and C. D. Worobec.
Подробнее об этом см.: Большакова О. А. Рец. на кн.: Women and gender in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia: a comprehensive bibliography // Социальная история. 2011. СПб., 2012. С.
См., напр.:
См., напр.: Щербинин П. П. Программа спецкурса «Влияние военного фактора на повседневную жизнь русской женщины XIX — начала XX в.». Библиография // Гендерная история: pro et contra: сб. материалов и программ. СПб., 2000. С. 175–234; Белова А. В. Женская повседневность как предмет истории повседневности // Этнографическое обозрение. 2006. № 4. С. 85–97; Женское движение в Башкортостане. 1900–1941: сб. документов и материалов / отв. ред. Р. Н. Сулейманова. Уфа: Гилем, 2007; Mouravieva M. «Family and Gender History in American Studies as it seen in Russia» // American Studies through Russian and American eyes: In Search of Mutual Understanding: Integrating American Studies Into The English Language Classroom / eds. D. W. McFadden, V. V. Noskov, M. G. Mouravieva. June, 6–9, 2001. Conference papers. SPb; Fairfield, 2001. P. 36–62.

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