Issue 4 (37)

Year 2012 Number 4(37)
Pages 14-23 Type scientific article
Authors Mosin Vadim S.
Summary Methodology is one of the basics in academic research. The adequately selected approaches, principles and study techniques yield relevant scientifi c results. At the fi rst stage of investigation the main objective is obtaining of a historical source objectively refl ecting the investigated past environment based on the use of both special-purpose and discipline-specifi c methods of archaeological study. The second stage is based on the use of general research methodology and techniques, at this stage the study may follow one of two patterns — the classifi cation or the archaeological-historical one. From the archaeological-historical position all obtained data are treated as the characteristics of the elements making up a social-historical system. From the point of view of the archaeological component such basic elements are sites and settlements, as places of adaptation of a particular society to the surrounding landscape. The purpose of the method is obtaining a model of the life pattern of both an individual community within a given settlement, and the social and historical system in general.
Keywords methodology, Urals Mountains, the Stone Age, methods, principles and approaches, archaeological source, societies

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