Issue 4 (37)

Year 2012 Number 4(37)
Pages 24-30 Type scientific article
Authors Tkachev Vitaliy V.
Summary The article deals with the specifi c features of settlements of the Kozhumberdy cultural group of the late Bronze Age period in the Ural — Mugodzhar region. It sums up the results of a comprehensive study of settlements within the boundaries of the archaeological micro-regions contemporaneous with the existence of ancient copper mines and serving as the local metals production centers. The fi ndings supported the existence in the region of the original architectural tradition involving the use of adobe blocks as the building material, which became an element of the model of economic adaptation of the local population to the extreme conditions of dry steppe and semi-desert. The author provides evidence of the existence of mining and metallurgy industry in the settlements based on the development of copper deposits and ore occurrences in the southern offsets of the Ural mountains.
Keywords Ural-Mugodzhary mining and metallurgical center, kozhumberdynskaya cultural group, settlements, interdisciplinary research

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