Issue 4 (37)

Year 2012 Number 4(37)
Pages 60-69 Type scientific article
Authors Koryakova Lyudmila N.
Noskevich Vladislav V.
Fedorova Natalya V.
Sharapova Svetlana V.
Summary The paper presents the results of joint geophysical and archaeological studies of the fortifi ed settlements of the Bronze Age period in the southern Trans-Ural. The author describes the methodology and the instruments for geophysical survey in the valley of the Karagaily-Ayat river. The magnetic charts gave clear indication of the location of external bulwarks, the remains of the settlement walls, moats, the location of entrances to the settlements, several walls inside the sites, the location of fi replaces, melting furnaces and wells, which allowed reconstruction of the settlements’ plans. As in the other walled settlements of the Bronze Age period, the inner planning of Kamenny Ambar (Olgino) and Konoplyanka settlements was dictated by the shape of fortifi cations into which the linear positioned buildings’ blocks were “inscribed”. The detailed magnetometric works preceding the archaeological study reduced the risk of “blind excavation”, as well as provided an opportunity of reconstructing the general layout without destroying the occupation layer. On the other hand, the excavation allowed improving the reliability of magnetic anomalies interpretation and relating them to the specifi c structures of the archaeological sites.
Keywords geophysics, magnetometry, georadar mapping, fortifi ed settlements, Sintashta culture, Bronze Age

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