Issue 4 (37)

Year 2012 Number 4(37)
Pages 70-76 Type scientific article
Authors Berseneva Natalia A.
Epimakhov Andrey V.
Panteleeva Sofya E.
Summary The article deals with the analysis of a relatively rare category of fi nds — miniature vessels. The case study for the problem of their interpretation included the Bronze Age settlement Kamenny Ambar and the synchronous burial site. The contextual and the use-wear analysis allowed identifi cation of a group of items which could not represent kitchenware. Their functions were different (a thimble, articles made by children, toys). In this way the obtained results in addition to drawing the attention of researchers to the diversity of ceramic artifacts also opened new potential for the study of the archaeology of childhood.
Keywords Bronze Age, Southern Ural, Sintashta culture, miniature vessels, ceramic production, archaeology of childhood

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