Issue 4 (37)

Year 2012 Number 4(37)
Pages 106-113 Type s
Authors Gyoni Gabor
Summary The written chronicles play an important role in the research of the ancient history of the Magyar. The article refers to the three Middle Age texts (Gesta Hungarorum, Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum by Simon of Keza, and the 14th century Hungarian Chronicle Composition) which contain information about the ethnogenesis of the Magyar. Since the 13th century the Chronicles pursued the idea of kinship between the Hungarians and the Hunns, and the story about the “second conquest” of motherland by the Arpad’s Magyars. It was only in the second half of the 19th century that the academic community of Hungary recognized the Hungarian language as belonging to the Finnish-Ugric group of languages. However, the medieval “Magyar orientalism” is now gaining tremendous popularity in today’s society owing to mass media campaigns.
Keywords historiography of ancient history Magyars, Hungarian Orientalism, Anonymous, Guest, Kezan

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