Issue 1 (54)

Year 2017 Number 1(54)
Pages 30-39 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)”18/19” BBK 63.3(2)531
Authors Pushkareva Natalia L.
Mitsyuk Natalia A.
Summary The authors analyzed the changes in the Russian material culture of infancy during the post-reform period. The researchers' interest was focused on various household items, furniture, baby care articles in the educated, wealthy Russian families. The subject of research was the transformation of baby furniture: cribs, strollers, walkers, playpens. Based on autobiographical texts, scientific and medical literature, visual sources the authors came to a conclusion that in the beginning of the 20th century in Russia there was a modernization of the material environment of childhood in the families of the nobility and the bourgeoisie as a result of medicalization and commercialization of private life, the development of the manufacturing industry, propaganda of the “new parenthood” ideology, and the child-centrism ideas. While describing the process of the nurseries development in to a things-filled and isolated from the parents environment the authors also found in this process a collision between the tradition and the innovation. In their analysis of medical advice, pedagogical literature, children's furniture commercials, the authors demonstrated the ways in which the “new parents” strived to surround their children with the latest inventions (cots instead of cribs, playpens, high children's chairs, strollers, changing tables). In these processes the authors also noted the elements of child-centered ideology successfully used by the Russian manufacturers to establish firm ties between the material culture of childhood, fashion and commercial profit, and promoted children's furniture as a marker of a family's social status. By the same process a new baby care standard based on scientific knowledge and focused on a child's inclusion in the ordinary everyday shopping patterns was being formed. Unlike the USA, the UK, or France, there was no complete substitution of the conservative baby care practices in Russia in the early 20th century.
Keywords history of childhood, anthropology of childhood, medicalization, the history of baby furniture, material culture of childhood

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