Issue 1 (54)

Year 2017 Number 1(54)
Pages 65-73 Type scientific article
UDC 39(470+510) BBK 63.521 (=411)+63.521(=711)
Authors Zabiyako Anna A.
Zabiyako Andrej P.
Summary The authors focused their attention on the Russian residents of the Trehrechje (Sanhe), a district in the North-East of China (Inner Mongolia). Currently there are several villages the population of which consists mostly of the descendants of the Russian settlers born in mixed marriages (the “half-bloods” as they call themselves). According to various sources, more than one thousand people identify themselves as this kind of Russians. On the basis of field studies of the Russian-speaking population of the Trehrechje, the authors came to a conclusion that for this ethnic group the most important sources of their ethno-cultural identification were the language and family memorats — the word-of-mouth stories relating the history of generations and family life. The family memorats of the Russian population of the Trehrechje preserved information about the historical processes of the beginning of the 20th century and reflected the ethno-cultural specifics of this ethnic group. Main stories told in the memorats reflected the events leading to the evolution of the Trehrechje Russians' ethno-cultural community, the history of marriages between the Russian girls from the Trans-Baikal region and the Chinese boys from the southern provinces of China (Shandong and Hebei), the events of the period of Japanese occupation of Manchuria, the liberation of China by the Soviet army, the difficult years of the “cultural revolution”. These word-of-mouth stories were gradually transformed into fixed folklore texts with their own composition, stylistics, and pragmatics; they became a basis for the historical memory and a form of the Trehrechje Russians' identity preservation in the Chinese environment. Family memorats of the Russian-speaking population of the Trehrechje acquired a status of the unwritten history of several generations of the Russian-Chinese families.
Keywords Migration, ethnography, folklore, speech genres, memorats, ethnicity, identity, “russkost’” (special Russian type), Trehrechje, ethno-cultural identification, historical memory

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