Issue 1 (54)

Year 2017 Number 1(54)
Pages 74-82 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2 BBK 63.01
Authors Narskii Igor V.
Summary The article describes the inter-generational conflict at the turn of the 1980s–1990s between the two choreographers of amateur dance groups at the Palace of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Works. The generation may be interpret here as a subjective, constructed social group, which serves for the identification of the historical actor as a interpretative and behavioral guideline. The participants of the conflict not realized fully that they were defended the value of different epochs in the Soviet amateur dance art. The Senior colleague was focused on dance canons of the Stalinist period. She was believed in “truly national” character of the national dances on the professional and amateur stage. She was idolized founders and heroes of the Soviet dance folklore. She was suffered from an inferiority complex because not officially received classical choreographic education but she was not worried about the party-state control of the Soviet art. Continuity was been a reasonable alternative of the contention for her. The younger colleague and student of the senior colleague was the bearer of the late Soviet doubt about the value of organizational principles and aesthetic standards of Stalinist cultural canon. She was repelled Soviet people’s and contemporary dance. Also she was preferred pop and sports dancing. She was assimilated the spirit of adventure and a cold-blooded career promotion and the acceptance of the commercialization, which were intensified in the late Soviet amateur art.
Keywords Soviet amateur, amateur choreography, generation, intergenerational conflict

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