Issue 1 (54)

Year 2017 Number 1(54)
Pages 103-112 Type scientific article
UDC 903.5(470.55)”637” BBK 63.442.6(235.55)
Authors Sharapova Svetlana V.
Loyer Jeanna
Summary The publication deals with preliminary results of osteological and paleopathological analyses, which is being undertaken for skeletal remains found in the Broonze Age cemetery Neplujevsky (Kartaly district of Chelyabinsk region). Two excavated kurgans (№ 5 и № 9) yielded six individual children`s burials of various preservation. The set of accompanied grave goods includes only ceramics while all pots were found both inside interments and special pot's deposited structures. Skeletal remains of the majority provide evidence of non-specific stress markers — cribra orbitalia, linear enamel hypoplasia, dental attrition, periosteal new bone formation. Small number of observed osteological defects might be explained by taphocomplex (poor preservation of immature skeletal materials, looted burials and/or perturbation by animals). The authors stress that children studied here had suffered decease or infection shortly before death and survived, but finally died. From the other side, individuals without pathologies were, probably, not healthier than others as they did not have good immunity and died quickly with no time for the disease to leave a mark on the bones. Various infections and social environment are among those factors which determined pathological status of the children discussed here.
Keywords Bronze Age, children's burials, paleopathological analysis, non-specific stress markers, osteological paradox

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