Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 25-34 Type scientific article
UDC 39(470.5) BBK 63.529(235.55)
Authors Adaev Vladimir N.
Summary The paper presents the distinctive cultural features of the Ural Mountain Nenets, allowing, in the author’s opinion, to consider them as a separate local ethnic group of the Tundra Nenets. The community is called Peh Ter (mountain people). With very little described in scientific literature, these fi ndings would be of interest not only in theoretical terms (on the differentiation of local ethnic groups), but also in terms of generalization and systematization of the collected ethnographic data. The Mountain Nenets relate their origin to the Kamennaya Samoyad known at least since the second half of the 15th century. The unifying feature of the Peh Ter is that they belong to the reindeer herders who seasonally graze their flocks in the northern part of the Ural Mountains. The Mountain Nenets have their own dialect of the Nenets language, a formed list of family names, a number of distinctive features when it comes to use of nature, material culture and religious traditions. Representatives of this group also believe that they have some particular features to their temper due to a specific intense rhythm of life in the mountain region. It is the environment that has had a crucial importance for the formation of the complexity of the cultural distinctive features of the community. The results of the study are largely in tune with the ideas of geographical determinism, as they demonstrate that the severe natural, climatic conditions and landscape can very clearly determine the framework within which a culture may operate, and dictate its narrow specialization. The Ural came to be a unique place for the Nenets, where they have realized the successful terms of development within the mountain landscape.
Keywords Northern natives, identity, sub-ethnic group, boundaries, reindeer husbandry

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