Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 35-43 Type scientific article
UDC 397 BBK 63.5(=522.4)
Authors Chernykh Alexander V.
Summary The article based on ethnographic field material deals with the characteristics of the Roma Kalderar mobility in Russia in the 20th century. The Roma Kalderar can be described as the seasonal nomadic craftsmen groups within the mostly sedentary agrarian population. In was this type of nomadism that was characteristic for the group. This way of life was inherited from the Kalderar tribes which immigrated to Russia in the past. It changed a lot during the 20th century undergoing various transformations during each of the historical periods — abandonment of traveling in wagons practice, travel by trains, sedentary life in one place for several years in succession. It the end for a number of reasons these developments led to the settlement of the groups. The principal occupation of the Roma Kalderar was trade: in many respects it was the key element of the group’s development and mobility, remaining their main occupation to this day. The government policy with regard to the Roma as well as other political, ideological, military and other events in the country had a great impact on the Roma mobility forcing them to adjust to new laws, rules and conditions in the countries of residence. The history of these processes was studied also at the local level using one of the Kalderar clan communities — the Ruvoni. The “nomadic” text today can be found not only in the recollections of the older generation, it is also reflected in the specific ‘nomadic’ mentality, readiness to hit the road at any time, it found its expression in the modern Roma mobility and readiness to start life anew in a new place. The ideas of nomadic traditions are preserved as a symbol of the Roma way of life and the key element of the Roma identity.
Keywords Kalderar Roma in Russia, history of the Roma in the 20th century, nomadic traditions, mobility, traditional culture of the Roma

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