Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 44-53 Type scientific article
UDC 39(470) BBK 63.5(=432.42)
Authors Kisser Tatiana S.
Smirnova Tatyana B.
Summary The article presents a brief overview of the evolution of a diverse German community in Russia. Diversity characterizes all aspects of the community's life: linguistic (the immigrants to Russia spoke all German dialects, as well as many other European languages), economic and cultural (from the horticulturists and winegrowers in the Caucasus to stock-breeders and hunters in Siberia), social (from the agriculturalists-settlers to members of the Academy of Science and members of the ruling dynasty), confessional (the German community had representatives of various confessions — the Catholics, the Lutheran, the Mennonites, the Baptists, the Russian Orthodox), etc. The first foreigners arrived to Moscow Principality already during the reign of Ivan III. During the reign of Ivan IV the number of German immigrants increased significantly, at the same time Nemetskaya Sloboda (the Foreign Quarter) appeared in Moscow. As a result of Peter I policy the Germans began to dominate both at the imperial court, and in the military, industrial, and academic elites. The Catherine the Great’s Manifesto led the foundation of a new Germans identity in Russia — “the German settlers”. Main principle underlying the shaping of their identity was the territorial one: in this way the Volga, the Black Sea coast, the Volyn, the Caucasus, and the Siberian German communities were formed. In the 20th century the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga Germans was established. Two World Wars added complexity and diversity to the Germans communities in the USSR/Russia with the formation of new territorial groups in Kazakhstan and in the Ural. Late 1980s was the period of mass emigration of the Russian Germans to Germany. The ethnicon “Russian Germans” has long since become an established term. The complex and diverse history of the Germans in Russia reflected the history of long-standing and intensive contacts between Russia and Germany in political, economic, cultural, academic spheres, as well as a tight network of a multitude of personal live-stories.
Keywords Germans, German settlement, volgadoychen, platty, volinery, deportation, Soviet Germans, rusaki, Russian Germans

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