Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 62-68 Type scientific article
UDC 392.5(470.344) BBK 63.5(=51)
Authors Egorova Oksana V.
Kazakov Nikolai A.
Summary This article discusses the specifics of marital relations in the Armenian Diaspora living in the Chuvash Republic based on the analysis of statistical data, field sources and literature. The Chuvash Republic is known for its multi-ethnic and stable inter-confessional relations situation. The Armenian Diaspora in the Republic currently consists of nearly 1 500 people. For the Armenians marriage (building a family) in the environment of their life in the territory of the Republic is, in addition to being an essential way of self-fulfillment and procreation, also a most effective form of starting their own business to provide for the welfare of the immediate family and other relatives. As a rule, a successful Armenian family is the center of gravity and a source of support for the Armenians living in the immediate surroundings. One of the duties of an Armenian family living in the Chuvash Republic, is the material support of parents and close relatives, living in Armenia. The representatives of the Armenian Diaspora are mostly employed in the sphere of public catering and agriculture: they set up cafes, restaurants, make dairy products, are involved in processing of meat, grain, etc. Owing to the Armenians' Christian faith, tolerance, and kindness there are no obstacles to mixed marriages, mostly with the Russians and the Chuvash. Typically, these families are stable, in such families the cultural traditions and rites of the Armenians, the Chuvash and the Russians are often merged into one multi-ethnic cultural complex. The Armenians are firmly settled in the Chuvash Republic.
Keywords Diaspora, tolerance, Christian faith, marriage, wedding, family ties

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