Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 69-77 Type scientific article
UDC 392.54(470.51) BBK 63.5(2Рос.Удм)
Authors Uvarov Sergey N.
Summary The article discusses inter-ethnic relations in Udmurt Republic in the second half of the twentieth century and the factors that led to its deepening. The sources analyzed are mostly by unpublished archival documents, among which a special place is occupied by materials of the current statistics. In particular, they take account of ethnic fertility, and it was noted the number of cases when the father of the newborn was of a different nationality. This figure, while unclaimed by the researchers, shows that until mid-century, inter-ethnic relations in the Republic was not too large scale. In the late 1950s, only 9.5 % of Russian-born father was of another nationality, the Udmurts — 5,1 %, Tartars — 8,0 %. Due to such factors as urbanization, the policy for the reconstruction of the village (the consolidation of the collective farms, the elimination of “unpromising” villages, etc.), increasing the proportion who know Russian the language of inter-ethnic interaction has increased considerably. At the end of the twentieth century, every second born in Tatar mom dad had not Tatar, Udmurt mother in every three children born not of Udmurt father, while the Russian mothers every fourth child born from non-Russian father. The strongest growth of all occurred in the 1970s, the Deepening of inter-ethnic interaction and also illustrates the increase in the number of interethnic marriages. By the end of the 1970s almost half of urban Tatars and Udmurts as a marriage partner was chosen a representative of another nationality. In Russian cities such choice was made on average in 20% of cases, in rural areas — 30 %. Rural Udmurts were the most conservative: only about 15 % of men and 20 % women as the “second half” of preferred representatives of other ethnic groups.
Keywords Interethnic interaction, intermarriage, population of Udmurtia, the census, the national composition

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