Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 96-105 Type scientific article
UDC 39(571.54) BBK 63.529(253.7)
Authors Kradin Nikolay N.
Summary The paper presents the findings of a comparative study of the ethnic identity attributes of the Western and the Eastern Buryat (using the Ust-Ordinsky and the Agin districts as a case study). The study was performed with the use of the quantitative analysis method. It was established that the Agin-Buryat more often used the Buryat language in everyday communications; at the same time both the western and the eastern Buryat mostly spoke the native language in the family, the old and the more educated people were more fluent in the native language. Statistical data on belonging to various religious confessions among the Buryat were in line with the established stereotypes stereotypes (the Shamanists in the West, and the Buddhists in the East), however the Agin-Buryat were more religious in general. They were also better informed about their ethnocultural group. In the course of the study it was established that the higher the educational level of the Buryat, and the older they were, the better they knew their ethnic history. For the Agin-Buryat kinship relations were somewhat more important then for the Ust-Ordinsky groups.
Keywords Buryats, ethnicity, identity

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