Issue 2 (55)

Year 2017 Number 2 (55)
Pages 114-121 Type scientific article
UDC 39(517.3) BBK 63.5(5Мон)
Authors Zhambalova Sesegma G.
Erdenebat Danzangiyn
Summary The article for the first time presents a study of the modern Mongolian state and its national idea in terms of the continuity of culture. The cited materials highlight the issue of safety and functioning of various forms of historical and cultural heritage. The article demonstrates the role of cultural heritage of the Mongol Empire for the modern Mongolian state in search of the national idea, which could unite people, promote positive self-identification not only for the country as a whole, but also for every member of society. Mongolia is a pacifist Buddhist country where modernization, traditionalism and neo-traditionalism coexist. The authors also provide good evidence of revival after decades of official neglect of historical and cultural memory of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire. For instance in Mongolia there are numerous publications about the Middle Ages with the target audience of children and teenagers. The country recreates national ceremonies of holy mountains worship, a diplomatic protocol for reception of high ranking guests, a dress code for visiting major national festivals, etc. These actions foster the appearance of a new format of national culture, with its roots in a traditional culture. At the same time the country is actively developing its international relations including cooperation with Russia. A specific feature of the Mongolian revival is the high degree of authenticity in preservation of its material and spiritual culture. The government, public figures and the people rely on the cultural heritage of Mongol Empire as the highest point in the civilizational evolution of the ethnos, which proved quite promising and effective. Dramatic pages of the legendary history more vividly highlight the place of the Mongolian state on the world map among its neighbors and in the global culture.
Keywords Mongolian state, the Mongol Empire, the continuity of culture, cultural heritage, national idea, state ceremony, diplomatic protocol

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