Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 6-13 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (470.5) "19" BBK 63.3 (235.55) 531
Authors Ustyugova Vera V.
Topic 1917
Summary Up till now “the epoch of the technical reproducibility”, “mass rise”, “the century of crowds” have been at the center of the modern world interpretation which was replaced by the researches into the consumer culture, mass media, public sphere. Transition from a traditional society to a market one flooded the market with a lot of anonymous individuals, social atoms having no links with each other. People’s crowds appeared to be “seen and heard” in the streets, in the offices, plants, political meetings, in the barracks, in leisure places. However, the urbanization level did not correspond the quality of “human capital”, the education level of the citizens, their economic potential and political impact. The paper looks at the mass entertainment culture as a phenomenon of “growth” in modern society at the beginning of the 20th century. The case of Perm, the capital of province, reveals that the provincial culture with the preserved class-corporate nature was characterized with the development of mass types of recreation activities and performances. The period was known for leisure emancipation and democratization, although the entertainment culture could not “absorb” the whole mass of the matured urban population as it could not manage to provide the social control. People put forward their own demands in the form of public, spectacular, action performances. The phenomenon of mass culture raises the problem of manipulation. Information revolution at the beginning of the 20th century connected with the development of the press, postcard industry, advertisements, photo and movie distribution contributed into the social mobility and openness of the society. At the same time the means of mass communication, entertainment industry triggered the standardization processes. Masses of people appropriated the consumer strategies of the higher classes and imposed “taste for the one-type-only”, thus distributing the conformism of the majority.
Keywords Masses of people, mass culture, modernity, urbanism, means of mass communication, entertainment industry, cinematography

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