Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 14-22 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (571.1) "1917" BBK 13 (253.3) 611
Authors Kruzhinov Valery M.
Sokova Zinaida N.
Topic 1917
Summary The author deals with the history of the authorities of multi-party socialist power, which were formed in many regions of Russia (including 10 in the Urals cities) after the fall of the Provisional Government. These authorities were connected in the mass consciousness with the alternative to the emerging Bolshevik regime and carrying out of revolutionary changes in a relatively peaceful form. This problem has been little investigated. In the article it is considered on the materials of the Urals. The analysis made it possible to reconstruct the approaches of the participants in the Russian political process to an understanding of the nature and tasks of multi-party socialist power. The first is the “pro-Soviet” approach proposed by the left-wing Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries. It suggested the creation of an imperious coalition under the auspices of the Soviets and was shared by a moderate wing in the Bolshevik party. The second approach is the “anti-Soviet” nominated by the Menshevik-Socialist-Revolutionary Center. It attributed the decisive role in this process to institutions created on the basis of universal suffrage, primarily to the Constituent Assembly, and was associated in representing the Bolsheviks with the continuation of the policy of cooperation with the bourgeoisie. It was established that in the conditions of deep social division and acute political confrontation these differences acquired an antagonistic character and reduced the possibility of an agreement between the Bolsheviks and moderate socialists. As a result, the search for alternative power combinations, undertaken by the socialist groups in the Urals, had an impulsive character. They faced opposition from opponents of compromise, pressure from the aggressive masses of the working class and the decaying army, and led to the dissolution of the bodies of multi-party socialist power. This predetermined the further escalation of the Russian political process.
Keywords Alternative, multi-party socialist government, compromise, political confrontation, bolsheviks, mensheviks, socialist-revolutionaries, Vikzhel, Soviets, Ural

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