Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 23-30 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (571.1) "1917" BBK 63.3 (253) 535
Authors Kostyakova Julia B.
Topic 1917
Summary The article shows the evolution of opinions of the representatives of the Siberian regionalism about the revolutionary events of 1917. The empirical material of the research is taken from the journal “Siberian Notes”, which in the considered period actively popularized the regionalists’ ideology and aspirations aimed at improving the situation in Siberia and life conditions of Siberian people as well as making Russia a federative state. The analysis is focused upon feature materials published by the journal in 1916–1919; these materials contain opinions of the regionalism leaders and supporters about the revolutionary events. The author gives arguments for the impact of political and social factors on the Siberian intellectuals’ attitude to the authorities. The author also investigates motives and stimuli that made regionalism representatives take an active part in the social and political life after the February revolution. The article gives basic reasons for their disdain for the October revolution and shows that regionalists took the people as a member of the revolutionary movement. A special attention is paid to the way the regionalists explained the origins and the results of the revolutions of 1917, proved the advantages of federative principle to govern Russia and rendered the circumstances of progressive forces factionalism in the cross-revolutionary period, their vision of “Siberian loyalty”. The author concludes about sameness of views of the authors who published their articles about the revolutions of 1917 in the journal “Siberian Notes”. Such an evident unanimity of opinions to show the position was determined by the peculiarities of the editorial policy, the authority impact of the chief editor — Vl. Krutovskoi, stable personal relations, cooperation in the interests of Siberia and acceptance of the regionalism basic ideas.
Keywords The February Revolution, the October Revolution, the intelligentsia, the movement regionalists, journal “Siberian Notes”

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