Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 52-60 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (47) BBK 63.3 (2) 535
Authors Speransky Andrei V.
Summary The paper draws attention to the existence of a highly politicized polarity of opinions about the Russian revolution of the 20th century in the modern Russian society. According to the author the diversity of interpretations of this most important event in the history of Russia in the twentieth century could be an evidence of a split in society and stand in the way of the country's progress. The author invites the audience to abandon the ideological blinders and take an objective look at the revolutionary process in Russia from the perspective of a true understanding of its essence, its historical significance, the development prospects and the historical lessons learned. The paper offers the author's theoretical reflections on the revolutionary processes in various countries of the world. A revolution is understood as a qualitative transition from the social and economic system which has exhausted its historical potential to a more progressive one. The paper highlights the stage-by-stage nature of this historical phenomenon, which was clearly manifested both in the European revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, and in the Russian revolution of the 20th century. It was noted that the revolution in Russia, after its start in 1905 went through the successive stages of the taking of power by the Bolsheviks and the establishment of a new social and economic formation, and was interrupted in the end of the 20th century by the counter-revolutionary coup resulting in the restoration of the previously rejected social relations pattern. The paper concludes that at the present stage in the Russia’s history its progressive, evolutionary development excluding the use of violence for reaching of political goals requires a constructive counterrevolution. This would mean a refusal of social confrontation in favour of the recognition and practical implementation of convergence of the best attributes of capitalism and socialism in various spheres of human life.
Keywords Revolution, society, process, counterrevolution, restoration, historical experience, marxism, socialism, capitalism, convergence

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