Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 91-100 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (47) "1917/1991" BBK 63.3 (2) 6
Authors Balakin Viktor S.
Summary The article studies the problem of relationship between the authorities, the society and the Soviet academic research during the period between 1917 and 1991. Owing to an extended length of the chronological period covered by the study it offers only a general review of the social aspects of the evolution of academic research, the problems of adaptation of the researchers to the “twists of the Party line”, the issues of the academic institutions reform, the political repressions against the scientists, the resistance and the receptiveness of science to “external” forces. In addition the au¬thor analyzed the process of an unprecedented quantitative growth of the number of research in¬stitutions and academic research staff during certain historical periods. Another problem explored by the author was the “Bolshevization” of research, total nationalization of research projects. The author provides arguments in favor of the idea that scientific research did not become inherently proletarian, at the same time the government by way of compensating the researchers for the loss of their political freedom offered them an opportunity of either active or passive adaptation to the changed conditions of life. The article described the process of the formation of “Big Science” in the USSR and the new relationship between the researchers-administrators and the authorities. A conclusion was made that under the conditions of strict centralization, the hierarchical structure of all academic research organization, the domination of monopolism, bureaucracy, authoritarian research schools and repressions the institutional basis of science proved to be quite enduring, and that a vast majority of researchers sincerely believed in the infallibility of the Soviet science policy.
Keywords “Bolshevization” of Russian science, Party leadership of science, Soviet science, politi¬cal repression of scientists, managed and organized science

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