Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 110-118 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (574) "1920/1930" BBK 63.3 (5 Каз) 614
Authors Kundakbayeva Zhanat B.
Summary This article analyzes how the Modern “Self” is inerpreted, descibed and constructed in the ego-documents of Kazakhstani women of early soviet era. In accordance with the American historians' Soviet subjectivity concept the author proceeded from the assumption of a major role of language in the process of identity construction, and hence the assumption that the people using a language (and its meanings) form their own perception of the world. Considering identity as a linguistic structure, and taking into account the limited number of women's personal narratives in Kazakhstan, I argue that in Kazakhstani case we have different ways of perfoming the self on the violent stage of Soviet modernization. They became aware of their self, however the tactics and the strategy of the Soviet ethos assimilation, converting it into one's own ego were different for different categories of women. As a result two types of narrative identification have been identified, two kinds of both conscious and unconscious practices of the women's attitude towards the ideology and political programs of the Soviet State. On the one hand that was the subjectivity of women-activists. Their acceptance of modernity, getting familiar with the new rules of life, elaboration of the new signs and social codes, as well as their internal transformation occurred simultaneously with their involvement in practical work — the propaganda and outreach activities among the women. Their deep personal involvement with the Party's programs soon transformed themselves into an ideological force capable of acting alongside with the Party leaders. The texts written by Fatima Gabitova offer an example of a completely different subjectivity — an estranged self-identification model. Nonetheless both the women-activists and Fatima Gabitova were by all means the subjects, reflecting “self”, who were consciously positioning themselves in the historical time.
Keywords Women’s ego-documents, soviet subjectivity, self, modernity, ideology, narrative, language

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