Issue 3 (56)

Year 2017 Number 3 (56)
Pages 119-126 Type scientific article
UDC 94 (470.5) "1940/1950" BBK 94 (470.5) "1940/1950"
Authors Leybovich Oleg L.
Summary The article presents an interpretation of the Soviet city of 1940–1950s in two projections — socio-logical and anthropological. The unit of historical analysis of selected regional center of the Western Urals city of Molotov (Perm). The selected research strategy corresponds to two types of sources. In the first case — the official documents of the Party and the Soviet office; in the second — the ego-documents: the working diary plant them. Stalin A. I. Dmitriev for 1946–1955. As an explanatory sociological theory adopted by the European concept of urbanism, established in 1950–1960s. It was found a contradiction between the institutional characteristics of the regional center and personal practices of its inhabitants. As the subject environment, forms of social dependence inhabitants of Molotov was an agglomeration of individual settlements (settlements) around plants and the seat of government agencies, but not the city of the modern type. At the same time, the personal strategies of its inhabitants can be found elements of urban life style: the formation of the private sphere at the expense of privatization of public (factory) space; alignment of exchange relations (small markets), naive economics and rationality in behavior, recreational value. It is suggested that these individual practices run produced a new urban culture, the same type on the west. For its reproduction required a different subject environment: a single housing with all the amenities, a reliable means of commu¬nication, effective social infrastructure, the improvement of public spaces.
Keywords Soviet city, 1940–1950s, the urban environment, urbanism, city-dweller, personal strategy

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