Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 6-15 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470):930.2 BBK 63.01+63.3(2)53
Authors Borodkin Leonid I.
Summary The article offers a review of the latest trends in historiography focusing on the correlation between various theoretical concepts and their use in the history of Russia research. The author noted that the beginning of the 21st century saw a growing attention towards the opportunities offered by the comparative analysis of the historical processes of the modern and the contemporary periods. The theoretical and the methodological research practice is based on the modern approaches involving the study of the long-term transformations of the political, the economic, and the social and cultural structures and institutions in various countries. Modernization and modernity theories originating under different global development conditions and reflecting various social evolution aspects play an important role in the formation of these theoretical approaches. While in the Russian studies abroad greater emphasis is made on the concept of modernity, the Russian historians rely more in their studies on the neo-modernization approach (with greater emphasis on the study of the multiplicity of modernization forms, its cyclical nature, and the role of historical accident, which lends relevance to the methodology of synergetics). The author mentioned the insufficient attention paid by the advocates of the neo-modernistic approach to the role of the institutions, the need for their modification, adaptation towards the changing realities in the course of the transformational processes, as well as to the role of elites in the modernization processes. In this connection he referred to the Acemoglu and Robinson's concept based on the proposition about the leading role of two types of economic and political institutes in the development of various nations (the inclusive and the extractive institutions).
Keywords Modernization, neo-modernization approach, modernity, inclusive institutions, extractive institutions, industrialization, synergetics

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