Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 25-35 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2 BBK 63.01
Authors Bokarev Yuriy P.
Summary Studying of the western theories is a necessary element of formation of economists. But blind following to their recommendations frequently brings harm, instead of advantage. Western theories created in specific conditions are not capable to answer many questions, actual for an economics of underdevelopment and the countries of the former socialist block. Moreover, they can be a source not the best and even incorrect decisions at realization of economic reforms and development of an economic policy. An example to this is the theory of modernization. Called to solve problems of transition from “backwardness” to “modernity”, it treats historical process as linear and not alternative. Therefore it repeatedly was object of shattering criticism. Nevertheless, the theory of modernization remains “guide to action” in many countries with “transitive economy”. The author seeks to show that the path of transition to a developed Western society, as declared by the theory of modernization, does not really exist. Each country must solve its problems, based on the needs of the world market on the one hand and its competitive capabilities on the other. An attempt to repeat the path traversed by developed countries is, firstly, impossible because of the changed configuration of the world economic space, and secondly, entails disorganization and destruction of the national life support system.
Keywords Progress, continuity of development, the unity of human history, Westernization, enclave modernization, the theory of “big push”, “vicious circle of poverty”, the theory of dependence, the world economic space, catching up modernization, “innovative” mode

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