Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 46-53 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470) “1939/1945”:314 BBK 63.3(2)62+60.721.21
Authors Kornilov Gennady E.
Isupov Vladimir A.
Summary The article reviewed unexplored historical and demographic problem: the population change in Russia during World War II. The population of the country in 1939–1940 is determined with a fairly high degree of accuracy, but its dynamics remains beyond the attention of scientists. Historical demography has an idea of the regional side of the problem, but the issue of changes in the population of the RSFSR as a whole is not solved. This scientific challenge not only poorly studied, but is one of the topical issues of national historical demography. It is impossible to define the direct and indirect losses of the population of Russia without identification of the population of Russia. Besides, the definition of the population of Russia is necessary for the organization of fundamentally important calculations of the relative indicators such as natality, marriage rate, death rate and migrations of population in rear area. This article identifies the specific indicators of changes in population. The changes of the both city and rural population are shown. The dynamics of quantitative indicators of various economic regions is identified. The transformation of the population in the regions under occupation, as well as in areas deep in the rear care revealed. The principal sources of changes in the population of Russia are defined in general.
Keywords Number, population, statistics, historical demography

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