Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 68-72 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5) “1923/1926”:314.5 BBK 63.3(235.55)6+60.721.11
Authors Zhuravleva Vera A.
Miroshnichenko Maria I.
Summary The article analyzes the dynamics of the marital status of the urban population of the Ural region aged 15 years and over on the basis of the 1923 and 1926 Russian census data. The changes in the marital status of the urban population were caused, among other reasons, by the democratization of marriage legislation during the first years of the Soviet power, the First World and the Civil wars, the difficult social and economic situation in the region in the early 1920s, as well as the beginning of the demographic behavior transformation of the urban population. The marital status of the region's urban population was studied specifically by the age groups. The authors arrived at a conclusion that the urban population was still loyal to the traditional marriage and family values (the vast majority of both men and women were married). However most of the women married at the age of 20–29 years, while men married — at 25–39 years. At the same time the proportion of the widowed and the divorced women grew significantly higher compared to men. This was an evidence of the fact that it became much easier for the urban men to remarry, than for the women. The proportion of the widowed women increased with age, and vice versa, the proportion of the divorced was the highest in the age group of 20–24 years. In the older age cohorts the proportion of the divorced was low for both the men and the women alike.
Keywords Historical demography, the urban population of the Ural, population census, marital status, marriage, divorce

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