Issue 4 (57)

Year 2017 Number 4 (57)
Pages 91-97 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5) “1930/1935”:314.4 BBK 63.3(235.55)+60.723.4
Authors Tarakanov Maksim Yu.
Summary The author studied the reasons for the changes in the mortality rates among the Nizhny Tagil population in the first half of the 1930s. A conclusion was made that a sharp increase of that indicator in the early 1930s was caused by the unpreparedness of the city's infrastructure for the mass inflow of migrants to the construction sites of industrial enterprises and the ensuing food supply crisis. Under the condition of high concentration of the population because of the deficit of housing, as well as the fact that a significant number of construction workers had to live even in the winter season in tents or poorly heated frame houses, the lack of sewage or proper water supply systems, insufficient sanitary arrangements, and interruptions in food supply the main factors contributing to the increase of mortality rates were the diseases of the digestive system, respiratory and infectious diseases. A number of actions undertaken by the authorities to improve food supply services and the sanitary and hygienic conditions, as well as certain anti-epidemic measures resulted in the decrease of the mortality rates in the city by 1934.
Keywords Historical demography, urban population, Nizhny Tagil, mortality

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