Issue 1 (58)

Year 2018 Number 1(58)
Pages 55-61 Type scientific article
UDC 903.26(470.5):730 BBK 63.442.12(235.55)
Authors Ustinova Elena A.
Bunkova Antonina A.
Summary The nature of materials from the archaeological complex 6 open-mine site of the Gorbunov peatbog made it possible to assume the existence in this place in antiquity of a kind of a ritual center with the numerous and multifunctional pantheon of “deities” or spirits, part of which were of the anthropomorphic appearance. The total of seven anthropomorphic sculptures have been found. Their archaeological context, the dating and the style coincided, and their existence period was established as the Eneolithic. According to their iconographic attributes they could be arranged in two groups — with and without the lower extremities. In some cases they shared one or several common attributes, namely the curved back and/or bent knees. The curved body lines and the bent knees were the attributes characteristic of some female sculptured images of the Paleolithic. They were also observed in some 2D profile representations of the anthropomorphic creatures in rock drawings on the Lena and the Angara rivers, as well as in the iconography of the Eneolithic images in the territory of the Urals. Some analogues could also be found in the traditional religious sculpture of Asia and Africa. A wide geography and time-scale for the existence of these attributes gave reasons to assume the existence of an enduring meaning suggested by them. In the course of the study it was suggested that the use of the historico-semantic approach to the study of the anthropomorphic sculpture of the 6 open-mine site of the Gorbunov peat-bog pointed to the syncretical and the polysemantic nature of the images rendered by their iconography. While the study and the description of the morphological attributes gave reasons to classify this type of sculpture as the anthropomorphic, the identification and the historical and semantic analysis of the “hidden” attributes suggested the zoo-anthropomorphic nature of the represented personages.
Keywords wooden anthropomorphic sculpture, iconography, semantics, anthropozoomorphic images

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