Year | 2018 | Number | 1(58) |
Pages | 74-81 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 94(470.56)”18” | BBK | 63.3(235/55)521.1 |
Authors | Tulibayeva Zhuldyz Ì. |
Summary | For the first time, the historical evidence about the history of Russian Empire in the first quarter of the 19th century that contained in memoir notes of Kokand historian Muhammad Hakimkhan (1802–1845), are introduced into scientific use. During his forced pilgrimage, Hakimkhan was traveling along the territory of Russia and was keeping a diary that afterwards was included in his historical work Muntahab at-Tawarikh (Selected chronicles), that was finished in 1843. The work Muntahab at-Tawarikh represents exceptional value due to an outstanding personality of the author. Muhammad Hakimkhan belonged to the ruling elite of the Kokand Khanate. He is known as a historian, writer, and educator. Hakimkhan was banished from Kokand, as he was one of the official candidates to the throne of the state. He had wandered for away from home for a long time. Muntahab at-Tawarikh contains information about the wanderings of Muhammad Hakimkhan, description of cities of the Russian state, the meeting Hakimkhan with Emperor Alexander I (1777–1825), that took place in Orenburg in September of 1824. With the development of active trade relations, increased the interest of the residents of the Central Asian khanates to the Russian state. The works, which described the Russian cities, manners, and customs of their inhabitants, began to use great popularity. In his work Hakimkhan created a positive image of the Russia. His manuscript book was widely distributed and known among the inhabitants of Bukhara, Kokand, and Khanate of Khiva. | ||
Keywords | Orenburg, Russian Empire, the Kokand Khanate, trade relations, travel notes of Hakimkhan, the Kokand historical works, Muntakhab al-Tawarikh | ||
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